Ring, ring, ring, ring Banana Phone!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

What is your occupation? Student
What color are your underwear? Depends on who is gonna see it ;) jk
What are you listening to right now? the radio
What was the last thing you ate? goldfish
Do You Wish On Stars? only if things aren't going very well
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? pink
How is the weather right now? uhhh cold and sunny?
Last person you spoke to on the phone? my dad I think
How old are you today? 18
Favorite drink? hmmm...I do like virgin daquiris
Favorite sport to watch? synchronized diving, softball
Do you color your hair? I have, twice...I'm a redhead right now
Do you wear contacts or glasses? no but I think I need glasses
Favorite month? That's a tough one
Favorite food? uhhh...my mommy makes this really good tuna casserole
What was the last movie you watched? The Recruit
Favorite day of the year? Uh. I don't really have one.
What do you do to vent anger? I never really vent...
Fall or spring? Fall
Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry all the way.
Who do you live with? Right now I live with Sara. On breaks and such, I live with my parents. But I like what Will wrote, so I'm leaving it up here for your enjoyment. "some crackhead named Ben I think? I don't know. He just moved in at the beginning of the year and wouldn't leave. He's like a mold. He spreads out all over the place. I found that dousing him with gasoline slows his growth a bit." Will Allen
When was the last time you cried? uhh a couple days ago?
What is on the floor of your closet? stuff
What friend have you had the longest? Chelsea
What did you do last night? went to the Who Dinner thing, came back here, did homework
What are you afraid of? lots of things
Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? plain or spicy
Favorite Car? the little one that my uncle John has
Favorite dog breed? I like daschunds and scotties
Number of keys on your key ring? 4 plus my little key pad thingy
How many years at your current job? A LONG ASS TIME
Favorite day of the week? friday
How many states have you lived in? one
How many cities have you lived in/names: 2. Harper Woods and Alma


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